6 Effective Ways to Lower Your Risk of Cancer

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I wish I knew then what I know now. The “6 Effective Ways to Lower Your Risk of Cancer” outlined below are exactly what I mean when I say this.

I was diagnosed with cancer in early 1994. I’ll never know what caused my cancer diagnosis but I am sure I could have reduced my risk of cancer by following the steps below.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, any cancer, scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Hang in there,

David Emerson

Cancer Survivor

Cancer Coach

Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Chronic Disease Causes More Than 20% of Cancers

Asthma Linked to Lung Cancer Risk in StudyCopy link

Got Lupus? Reduce Increased Risk of Cancer NOW-

Cancer, Newspaper, Word, Magnifier, Magnifying Glass

URL: https://pixabay.com/photos/cancer-newspaper-word-magnifier-389921/

In 2019, cancer was the second leading cause of death in the United States, with 599,601 people losing their lives. Cancer is a disease that occurs from uncontrolled growth and division of cells resulting from cellular changes. These cells lead to the impairment of the immune system, the formation of tumors, and changes that prevent regular body functioning.

Did you know that you can reduce your cancer risk? Diet, physical activity, and others can prevent cancer. This article details effective ways to lower your risk of cancer.

  1. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight

Physical activity reduces cancer risk by controlling weight, reducing sex hormones or insulin, and strengthening the immune system. A study showed that exercise could potentially lower the risk of cancers such as colon, breast, endometrial, and others. Aim at achieving 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercises per week for substantial health benefits. Adding a few minutes of exercises, such as this one, to your daily physical activity routine will help lower cancer risks. In addition, obesity increases cancer risk. To maintain a healthy weight, lower your calorie intake and burn others with exercise.

  1. Eat healthy diets

Your diet can significantly affect many health aspects like developing chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Maintaining a high intake of foods that contain cancer reduction compounds will keep the disease at bay. Some of these foods include broccoli as it contains sulforaphane, carrots, berries since they’re high in anthocyanin, and cinnamon as it lowers blood sugar and reduces inflammation. Limit red and processed meat intake and focus more on vegetables and whole grains. An overall change in lifestyle will protect you against cancer.

  1. Avoid tobacco

The use of tobacco increases your risk of contracting cancer such as throat, lung, mouth, cervix, kidney, pancreas, and bladder. Chewing it can lead to mouth and pancreas cancers. Exposure to secondhand smoke can also increase your cancer risks, so stay away from tobacco smoke. If you have tobacco addiction, consult a doctor about strategies and products that can help you quit smoking.

  1. Protect yourself from the sun

Sun radiations cause skin cancer. Consider staying indoors or under a shade when the sun is too intense. You may also cover up exposed body parts with heavy clothing or apply sunscreen.

  1. Regular cancer screening

Undergoing regular cancer screening can help detect precancerous conditions before they become cancer and cancer at its early stages. This helps take the necessary steps to treat and stay safe before things get out of hand.

  1. Get vaccinated

Studies show that some vaccines can help lower cancer risks. Some cancers may arise from human papillomavirus (HPV), which is a sexually transmitted virus. Getting the HPV vaccine protects you against the types of HPV that cause these cancers. The HPV vaccine works best if administered before exposure to the HPV virus as it doesn’t treat existing infections. In addition, the hepatitis B vaccine given to treat the hepatitis B virus lowers the risk of liver cancer.


Cancer is a chronic disease that affects persons of all ages. It kills, lowers body functionality, and may lead to loss of affected body parts. These measures will help you reduce your cancer risk.

Leave a Comment:

GELAREH MEDGE says 3 years ago

Hi David,
I want to first start off by saying thank you for putting together this website. You are an inspiration. My dad was diagnosed with MM about 2 years ago. Since then our world has been turned upside down and any free time my sister and I get we research and research to find ways to have our dad be with us as long as possible.
A co-worker who’s dad has MM told me about a company in Israel OWCPHARMA who has research the postive effects of CBD/TCH with people diagnosed with MM. The pills he was getting from the no longer exist.
Is there a specific company or brand that you get your CBD from? How do we know how much he should take?
I appreciate you and your time. I look so forward to hearing from you. Thank you again!

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi GKM-

    I will email the cannabis guide to you directly via email. The brand and strain of cannabis (CBD oil) depends on your state, country, laws, etc.

    David Emerson

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