Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Tag Archives for " Multiple Myeloma "

End-Stage Myeloma Diagnosis

“Individual meaning-centered psychotherapy (IMCP) significantly improves psychological outcomes and spiritual well-being among patients with advanced cancer (multiple myeloma)… When I went

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End Stage Myeloma- Early Palliative Care

Early Palliative care is NOT end-of-life care for MMers. For the sake of this blog post, the phrase “advance care planning” or “symptom management” makes more sense.  We all think

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Myeloma Chemotherapy Kills

“They found that 14 drug trial reports did not include data on SAE s, 22 presented no data on serious events, and two presented no data on deaths (FAE)“ Don’t expect your oncologist to

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Surviving Myeloma- Post-Cancer Fear

Today, there are 16.9 million cancer survivors in the U.S., and 64 percent of them are 65 or older. It is estimated that 75,000 of these are surviving MM. I have been living with myeloma since my diagnosis

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Myeloma – Eight Slices of the Magic Bullet

The ultimate myeloma therapy is quantitative- “Plus, Dr Elwood said, “the effect of a lifestyle is quantitative. That is, the more the better. The more exercise the better. The lower the body mass

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Myeloma Treatment, Immuno, Antibiotics

“…currently running more than a dozen different trials of experimental multiple myeloma treatments, from new blood stem cell transplant regimens to targeted drugs. Immunotherapy as a multiple

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Myeloma Diet in Three Easy Steps

The truth is, a multiple myeloma diet is straightforward. Conventional oncology is often not prepared to counsel multiple myeloma (MM) survivors about long-term MM survivor issues. Nutrition is just not

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D-RVD vs. RVD as Myeloma Induction

D-VRD vs. RVD as myeloma induction therapy. Do you care? Why or why not? Both chemo combinations are effective. However, the FDA says that there is one single standard-of-care therapy plan for all newly

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Myeloma Diet- Before, During, After Therapy

“The point of all this is that, done right, nutrition should be one of the easiest and most enjoyable therapies for multiple myeloma patients and survivors to include in their regimen, before, during

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Myeloma Antioxidants- Yes or No?

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Myeloma – Bone Health – Probiotics-

“Recent studies demonstrate that the GM (gut microbiota) is also a regulator of bone mass (bone health) and it is proposed that the effect of the GM on bone mass is mediated via effects on the immune

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