
Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

Click the orange button to the right to learn more about what you can start doing today.

All posts by David Emerson

Chemotherapy-Induced Pain-I.D. Manage

Multiple Myeloma chemotherapy, causes short, long-term and late stage side effects. Chemotherapy-induced pain is central to the discussion of side effects if the patient wants to manage or even heal the

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Heal Avascular Necrosis W/out Surgery?

“Glucocorticoid- induced osteonecrosis develops in 9–40% of patients receiving long-term therapy although it may also occur with short-term exposure to high doses…As a result, osteonecrosis

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Myeloma- Blood Thinner Side Effects

Choose between conventional blood thinner therapies such as coumadin, plavix, aspirin, or non-conventional therapies such as green tea extract, omega 3 fatty acids or curcumin- I am a long-term multiple

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Multiple Myeloma- Vitamin D3

“Vitamin D deficiency is associated with reduced overall survival for patients with multiple myeloma (MM)…Vitamin D deficiency is increasingly recognized in association with autoimmune and

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Exercise-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation

(HF) Patients assigned exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation had greater improvements in exercise capacity and health-related quality of life compared with those assigned the control… I’m

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Multiple Myeloma Symptom, Side Effect- Infection

“We show that the risk of infections and infection-related death is significantly increased in MM patients compared to controls.” Myelosuppression is the most common cause of death (COD) among

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Multiple Myeloma Stem Cell Transplant Risk Bone Damage

Bone Marrow Transplant Survivors Risk Long-term Collateral Damage to Bone, Heart, Nerve, Brain- And those are just the multiple myeloma stem cell transplant side effects that I live with… The main

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Rheumatologic Disease Inc. Risk of MGUS to Multiple Myeloma

“Patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) have twice the risk of developing multiple myeloma (MM) if they have non-antibody (Ab)-mediated rheumatic diseases (RDs)…” Rheumatic

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Choline, Phosphatidylserine- Non-Toxic Therapies to Fight Alzheimer’s

Choline is used by the body to produce acetyl-choline, an important neurotransmitter essential for brain and nervous system functions including memory, muscle control and mood The article linked and excerpted

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Green Tea- Apoptotis- Bladder Cancer

“Compared to control-treated cells, treatment with catechin agents significantly suppressed cell growth in a dose-dependent fashion…”Translation, green tea kills bladder cancer… According

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Lytic Lesions- Can Multiple Myeloma Patients Heal Bone Damage?

“Myeloma cells disturb a normally balanced bone remodeling process. This imbalance of bone metabolism may cause osteopenic bones, focal osteo lytic lesions and clinical symptoms.” For the MM

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Late Effects, Death from Autologous Stem Cell Transplant

“ASCT patients who have survived for at least 5 years post-transplantation are at a fourfold to ninefold increased risk of late mortality for as long as 30 years from ASCT, producing an estimated

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