Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Multiple Myeloma- Black Seed Oil, TQ – Kill MM, Pro Bone, Kidney, Heart-

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Our results show that TQ inhibited the proliferation of MM cells irrespective of their sensitivity to doxorubicin, melphalan or bortezomib… Daily dosing with 3% thymoquinone was successful in reducing blood pressure in healthy adults.”

Conventional oncology has become pretty good at putting newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients into remission by using a variety of FDA approved toxic therapies. The problem is that many of those therapies cause health problems. Black seed oil aka thymoquinone aka TQ to the rescue.

Many myeloma patients have never heard of thymoquinone aka black seed oil aka TQ.

The challenge for those newly diagnosed Multiple Myeloma patients that achieve remission is that the toxicity of those therapies can cause life-threatening side effects to the patient’s blood, bones, kidneys, and heart.

The most serious of all side effects is an eventuality of all multiple myeloma patients- MDR aka multi-drug resistance.

The answer, in this survivor’s opinion anyway, is the judicious use of those nasty, both life threatening while at the same time, life saving, toxic therapies. When I say “judicious” I simply mean to employ those therapies efficiently. For example, an autologous stem cell transplant aka high-dose, aggressive chemotherapy is NOT a judicious use of chemo.

The less toxicity, the fewer side effects and the less likelihood of MDR. But you might be thinking “that’s easier said than done!” And you may have a point…

The solution to the “less is more” conundrum faced by all multiple myeloma patients and survivors are evidence-based but non-toxic therapies like thymoquinone (TQ) aka black seed oil .

The five studies linked and excerpted below explain how TQ is:

  • cytotoxic to multiple myeloma
  • overcomes the chemoresistence of MM while enhancing chemotherapy regimens such as Velcade and Revlimid
  • protected kidneys from the toxic effect of chemotherapy
  • enhanced bone formation
  • enhanced heart health

What are those evidence-based nutritional supplements such as Black Seed oil that are multifunctional for the myeloma patient? By multifunctional I mean nutritional supplements that kill myeloma, enhance bone or brain health, possibly also enhance chemo, and more?

Keep in mind that TQ is a non-conventional therapy meaning the studies below are animal studies. Conventional oncology usually takes a different view of evidence-based non-conventional therapies such as TQ, curcumin, omega-3 fatty acids, etc. than I do.

However, it is important to understand that conventional oncology can’t cure multiple myeloma. So keep your options open.

To Learn More About Kidney Failure in Multiple Myeloma click now

If you have any questions, scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director Galen Foundation

Multiple Myeloma Symptom, Side Effect, Cause of Death- Renal Insufficiency 

Recommended Reading:


Thymoquinone is a phytochemical compound found in the plant Nigella sativa. It is also found in select cultivated Monarda fistulosa plants grown in the U.S. and steam distilled producing an essential oil.

In laboratory experiments in cells and in animals, it has shown antiinflammatory and antioxidant effects, and has been studied in models of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes,[1] neurodegenerative diseases and stroke,[2] and cancer.[3] A 2016 study suggests thymoquinone may have opioid tolerance-reduction effects.[4]…”

Thymoquinone Overcomes Chemoresistance and Enhances the Anticancer Effects of Bortezomib Through Abrogation of NF-κB Regulated Gene Products in Multiple Myeloma Xenograft Mouse Model

“Multiple myeloma (MM) is a B cell malignancy characterized by clonal proliferation of plasma cells in the bone marrow. With the advent of novel targeted agents, the median survival rate has increased to 5 -7 years.

However, majority of patients with myeloma suffer relapse or develop chemoresistance to existing therapeutic agents. Thus, there is a need to develop novel alternative therapies for the treatment of MM.

Our results show that TQ inhibited the proliferation of MM cells irrespective of their sensitivity to doxorubicin, melphalan or bortezomib.

Interestingly, TQ treatment also resulted in a significant inhibition in the proliferation of CD138+ cells isolated from MM patient samples in a concentration dependent manner. TQ also potentiated the apoptotic effects of bortezomib in various MM cell lines through the activation of caspase-3, resulting in the cleavage of PARP…

Overall, our results demonstrate that TQ can enhance the anticancer activity of bortezomib in vitro and in vivo and may have a substantial potential in the treatment of MM.”

Thymoquinone Supplementation and Its Effect on Kidney Tubule Epithelial Cells in Vitro

“Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a major role in the progression of renal disease. Vitamins can be used to attenuate the production of ROS and potentially slow or stop the progression of renal disease…

Thymoquinone has been documented to have a cytocidal effect on cancer cells and reduced the cytotoxicity of standard antineoplastic drugs.

Thymoquinone has also been documented to protect renal tissue by significantly reducing the side effect of nephrotoxicity associated with various medications. The hepatoprotective property of thymoquinone may be attributed to the preservation of intracellular glutathione or may be related to the inhibition of thromboxane B2 production.

The overall goal of this study was to define a dose of TQ which will increase cellular glutathione levels without cytotoxic effects.

Data obtained suggests that: (1) TQ does not act as a prooxidant at higher concentrations, which would induce cellular damage leading to cell death, and (2) at 72 hours in culture there was a significant increase in glutathione levels in all treatment groups when compared with control cells suggesting possible protective effects of this compound…”

Thymoquinone Accelerates New Bone Formation in the Rapid Maxillary Expansion Procedure

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of systemic thymoquinone (TQ) in a rat rapid maxillary expansion (RME) study…

Results: New bone formation, number of capillaries and the ratio of intensities of inflammatory cells in maxillary sutures was higher in the TQ groups than in the other groups. Statistical analysis also demonstrated that osteoblast and osteoclast numbers were also highest in the TQ1 group.

Conclusion: Histomorphometric analysis demonstrated that systemic use of thymoquinone may be effective in accelerating new bone formation in the RME procedure and that TQ may be beneficial in preventing relapse following the RME procedure…”

Effects of Standardized Black Seed Oil Cold Press Supplement Over A Six Week Period on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Healthy Patients: A Nonrandomized Clinical Trial

“Hypertension can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases including coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure and others [2,3]..

Thymoquinone (TQN) is one of the main components of the essential oil extracted from black cumin seeds of N. sativa making up to 48% [7]. This component was found to be beneficial in a myriad of pathologies including cancer [8], inflammatory disorders [9], pain [10], diabetes [11], hypertension [12] and more.

The protective effect of TQN can be attributed to its ability to mitigate oxidative stress and inflammation through various mechanisms [13,14]…

Black Seed Oil- ThymoQuin contains 15 mg Thymoquinone extracted from black seed oil. Administration was in the form of liquid capsules (BCC002) manufactured by Nature’s Value Inc-

Subjects were given a daily dose of 500 mg ThymoQuin containing 15 mg (Thymoquinone) in the form of capsules for 42 days…

Results: Twenty patients received 500mg daily of ThymoQuin™ (3% thymoquinone) for six weeks. A significant decrease in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate could be observed. Following the washout period and placebo treatment, blood pressure was slightly increased and the treatment effects started diminishing.

Conclusion: Daily dosing with 3% thymoquinone was successful in reducing blood pressure in healthy adults.”

Thymoquinone Protects against Myocardial Ischemic Injury by Mitigating Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

“Conclusion- Based on our present findings, it can be concluded that TQ exhibits its cardioprotective effects by enhancing antioxidant defense, inhibiting lipid peroxidation, and inflammation as well as preserving the cardiomyocytes, which all together may translate into the functional recovery of heart function…”



Leave a Comment:

Janice Gaubatz says a couple of years ago

What is the dosing you found is appropriate? Is there a brand or two you suggest, and are there any things to be aware of that lessen its effectiveness (as I look for a trustworthy brand)

Lenora Gardner says a couple of years ago

Just started black seed oil,

Jeanette says a couple of years ago

Hi, my sister in law is 41 and has multiple myeloma. She was diagnosed 15 months ago and has had a tandem stem cell transplant (so 2 transplants in 3 months) and achieved remission but it only lasted 4 months. She has had a recent PET scan and blood tests to check the liver and kidneys but the doctor has told her it has likely progressed as she has rib fractures again and new bone pain in her shoulders. She struggles with fatigue and bone pain so I would be grateful for any advice before she has to start chemo again as that is the most likely outcome.

Thank you x

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Jeanette-

    I am sorry to learn off your sister’s MM challenges. Based on what you say in your post, your sister’s situation is complicated. My guess is that her diagnostic info is also complicated. I could do as much harm as good at this point.

    Sorry I can’t offer any info.

    David Emerson

Penny says a couple of years ago

I was just diagnosed with MM and while it is evident I will need full therapy I am looking for any holistic approach to aid in the healing and I saw black seed oil listed.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Penny-

    I replied to you via your email address. Look in your spam folder if you have not yet received my email.

    David Emerson

Van williams says a couple of years ago

I have a smoldering myeloma that is heading for chemo please tell me about it with black seed oil and even aacc please

Melissa says a couple of years ago

Hello. I came across your site after looking into black seed & MM (a friend just today was telling me about this). My husband was diagnosed in 2018 and has relapsed twice. Currently on Carfil twice a month & Pomalyst every other day for 11 days. I was curious what treatment you’re currently on and if you are on XGEVA or ZOMETA & if not, is the black seed oil your treatment for that. My husband is not on neither of those bone strength meds, but has had them in the past. Also, you’ve been on black seed oil since your diagnoses and how much do you take? Thank you for your time, be well.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Melissa-

    I replied to you directly.

    David Emerson

Chris says a couple of years ago

I have Amyloidosis which is similar to MM. Should I look into using black seed?

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Chris-

    Your primary issue, based on my experience, is what, if any, organs are involved? In other words, has your amyloidosis negatively affected your kidneys, heart, liver, etc?

    Have you had diagnostic testing for creatinine, BUN or eGFR?

    Have you been diagnosed with amyloidosis as well as multiple myeloma? I don’t mean to sound nosey. I’m just thinking through your question about black seed oil aka thymoquinone.

    Let me know. Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Palma Pellegrini says 3 years ago

My husband just got diagnosed with myeloma, he is receiving treatments for his cancer . I also want to use natural resources so how much black seed oil is safe to take .

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Palma-

    I am sorry to learn of your husband’s MM diagnosis. Black seed oil is also referred to as thymoquinone. The challenge with dosing is that each brand may provide a different amount of black seed oil IN the capsule so you have to go by the dose recommended on the bottle.

    There are a number of evidence-based non-toxic therapies shown to kill MM. Nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle therapies and more.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Good luck.

    David Emerson

Gemma says 4 years ago

Is it ok to take BSO when on Pomalidomide?
If so what dose would you recommend?

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hi Gemma- I am working on a more complete reply to your previous question regarding your mom’s situation. I will include a discussion about BDO in that reply.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Thomas says 4 years ago

Hi David, When I had my last Velcade treatment July !st, my bilirubin number went to 1.2 from .07 a week earlier, do i need to be concerned? I researched the info and found it has to do with Liver function, is the revlimid or Velcade causing the issue or is it one of the many issues that affect MM patients? Can the Black Seed Oil help with that also?

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hi Tom- I will reply to you via an email to your email address-


    Reply says 4 years ago

Good day please could you recommend all the supplements I should take. I am on revlimid for maintenance after my stem cell transplant.

I asked my doctor if I could take supplements but she was not too keen.

I take 1500mg Vitimin D 3
600mmg calcium daily.

thomas J foley says 4 years ago

I am ordering the TQ and have made inquiry to my oncologist for his information that
i will use it.
You indicated in another comment response that you don’t use the product you provided link to. Do you have one you prefer that you have experience with?
I am grateful to have found your site. I have enrolled, but not yet set up the call i need to have with you. I am complicated a bit…diagnosed IIIB in Dec. 14, with tumor presented at C7/T1/T1 around esophogus and spine, leaving those vertebrae at “40-60% compromised. I wear a brace much of the time, always outside or in auto. I was exposed to agent orange in 69-70, and had no idea of the MM until diagnosed. No stem cell. Heavy chemo and radiation to get my Kapp lights down from 2550 to 5-600 band over 3 yrs.on weekly velcade and dex and revlimid. Hated that and went to Darzalex with great results down to 56, then back to 200 band. Broke arm last May, MM exploded to KL’s over 6000, renal failure. Dialysis for 6 mo. Settled down now to monthly Darz only, with Pomylist. Struggling to get RBC level up from the minimum, apparently from morrow damage. All that to give you a look ahead for our call that i look forward to soon.
Again, grateful to find your site, especially at this time

Sandy Jenkins says 4 years ago

Could you please tell me the brand of the Black Cumin Seed Oil you are using?
I cannot find one that has 3% thymoquinone.

Sandy Jenkins

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