Some alternative medicine methods may specifically help you deal with pain and other symptoms that your standard multiple myeloma therapy may not address…”
The newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) patient shouldn’t expect their oncologist to talk about the importance of meditation or spirituality as evidence-based multiple myeloma therapy. Conventional MM oncology is focused on a very narrow set of FDA approved MM therapies. Anything that has to do with the mind-body aspects of your health is just not in conventional oncology’s lexicon.

If you want to understand the importance of the mind-body connection in your health please read Dr. Kelly Turner’s book “Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds.”
While the cases written about by Dr. Turner involve more than meditation and spirituality in cancer care, it is important for you, the patient, survivor or caregiver to learn from a clinically trained physician. Dr. Turner’s book is not urban legend or fantasy. These cases are as much “evidence-based medicine” as any toxic chemotherapy is.
Conventional MM oncology, as experienced and knowledgable as they are consider multiple myeloma to be an incurable blood cancer. After “failing” all forms of my conventional MM therapies I underwent an evidence-based but non-conventional therapy and reached complete remission after about 17 months.
I’ve remained in complete remission since 4/99 from this incurable cancer. Believe me when I say that mind-body therapies such as spirituality, acupuncture, massage, daily but moderate exercise and even nutritional supplementation, are all important therapies I use to manage my MM.
I am both a long-term MM survivor and a multiple myeloma coach. If you would like to learn more about MM coaching and receive my e-book “Beating Myeloma-If I Knew Then What I Know Now…” for free, please scroll down the page, and tell me about your diagnosis and tell me what’s on your mind. An experienced MM survivor and MM coach can help.
Thank you,
David Emerson
- Cancer Survivor
- Cancer Coach
- Director PeopleBeatingCancer
Recommended Reading:
“Types of Mind-Body Multiple Myeloma Therapies
Some alternative medicine methods may specifically help you deal with pain and other symptoms that your standard myeloma therapy may not address, Chong says. A recent study that reviewed 18 trials on CAM treatments for cancer-related pain showed encouraging results. Although the authors detected problems with the study design of several of the trials, they still found that some CAM treatments may reduce cancer pain.
The most promising methods included:
- Hypnosis
- Guided imagery
- Relaxation techniques, like progressive muscle relaxation
- Acupuncture
“In my experience, pain is never just one-dimensional. There’s always a big emotional and psychological component to it,” Chong says. “Enhancing the mind-body connection is very important.” When she visits patients who are in pain or feeling anxious, she may improve their symptoms by helping them to breathe deeply and regularly.
Other research has found that hypnosis can help some patients find relief from nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy. Qigong, a meditative Chinese practice related to tai chi, may help relieve stress.
Using CAM as Part of Your Myeloma Treatment
Some cancer centers include CAM methods as part of their myeloma treatment, but many doctors haven’t received formal training in these practices, Chong says. Still, it’s important that you tell your doctor which CAM methods you are interested in using with your myeloma therapy
“Meditation, yoga, religious and spiritual belief are proved to have positive effects on cancer patients’ social, mental, and physical well-being, according to a new study published in health journal Cancer…
The research method was a meta-analysis of previously published studies, including data on more than 44,000 patients. The findings of the study show that patients with high levels of self-reported spiritual belief had fewer symptoms of cancer and less side effects of the treatment. Patients’ spiritual well-being was associated with fewer occurrences of depression and less anxiety. It seems that a belief in a personal and benign God can be correlated with better levels of social health…
Previous studies have shown how meditation and yoga practice can actually lead to changes in the brain and, reduce stress, improve focus and memory functions, and restore healthy function in the body. While meditation have been considered a New Age treatment, today it is widely accepted by the mainstream medical practice and supported by medical providers from both traditional and alternative medicine.”
“In her New York Times bestseller, Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds, Dr. Kelly A. Turner, founder of the Radical Remission Project, uncovers nine factors that can lead to a spontaneous remission from cancer—even after conventional medicine has failed…”
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