Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Wobenzym N- Myeloma Therapy

Multiple Myeloma Stages
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“Significantly higher overall response rates (MM) and longer duration of remissions were observed in the OE-group (Wobenzym)”

Newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients are often told that their cancer is “incurable but very treatable (?).” Integrative therapies such as wobenzyme should be included in your treatment.

It took me years to figure out what this meant. I am a long-term survivor of multiple myeloma. The challenge all myeloma patients face is that conventional oncology considers myeloma to be incurable. 

Therefore, MMers must either accept the inevitable or look for ways to improve on the long and growing list of conventional (FDA approved) therapies. Wobenzym N, according to the study linked and excerpted below, is one such integrative cancer therapy.

Wobenzym N – is a broad spectrum blend of enzymes that has shown the ability to fight cancer, reduce blood clots, heal radiation damage and increase the efficacy of chemotherapy. I take the directed dose daily before meals.

“The enteric-coated enzyme preparation (Wobenzym N – ) contained

  • 100 mg of papain,
  • 40 mg of trypsin,
  • and 40 mg of chymotrypsin per tablet…

The proportion of patients achieving complete remission, partial remission, or stable disease was significantly higher in the enzyme group than in the control group.”

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, let me say this loud and clear:

It is critical that you become an active participant in your care. Learn everything you can.

Your decision-making begins by learning about the full spectrum of evidence-based myeloma therapies, both conventional and non-conventional.  Here are some questions you may have right now:

  • Do Multiple Myeloma specialists know more about MM than regular oncologists? Yes.
  • What side effects should I expect from my induction chemotherapy? Prevention is key.
  • What do I do if I don’t reach complete remission? Don’t panic.
  • What therapies can I use that my oncologist won’t tell me about? Triplets are superior to doublets.
  • Does it matter if I wait to have an autologous stem cell transplant- No. Studies show there is no survival advantage either earlier or later. 

I am both a MM survivor and MM cancer coach. 

Living with, researching and coaching  multiple myeloma since early ’94 has taught me that conventional oncology, though an important piece of the MM picture, is only one piece. MM patients and survivors must think outside the box.

Out-of-the-box thinking, in the case of the article linked below, is the idea of MM “prehabilitation” with wobenzym as well as moderate exercise, anti-angiogenic nutrition, and anti-MM supplementation such as curcumin, green tea extract, omega-3 fatty acids, resveratrol and others.

To learn more about evidence-based conventional and non-conventional MM therapies, such as wobenzym N,  scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Hang in there.
David Emerson
  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Retrolective cohort study of an additive therapy with an oral enzyme preparation in patients with multiple myeloma.

“Results: Significantly higher overall response rates and longer duration of remissions were observed in the OE-group (wobenzyme). Primary responders showed a longer mean survival time than non-responders. Additive therapy with OE given for more than 6 months decreased the hazard of death for patients at all stages of disease by approximately 60%. Observation time was not long enough to estimate the median survival for patients at stages I and II; for stage III patients it was 47 months in the control group versus 83 months for the patients treated with OE (P = 0.0014) which means a 3-year gain of survival time. Significant prognostic factors for survival, in the Cox regression analysis, were stage of disease and therapy with OE. The OE-therapy was generally well tolerated (3.6% of patients with mild to moderate gastrointestinal symptoms).

CONCLUSION: OEs (wobenzyme) represent a promising new additive therapy in multiple myeloma which will be further evaluated in a randomized phase III trial in the USA.”

Density of adhesive proteins after oral administration of proteolytic enzymes in multiple myeloma

“The authors present information on the presence of adhesive proteins on membranes of myeloma and precursor cells isolated from bone marrow and blood from a group of 33 patients examined by fluorescent flow cytometry.

They also compare the density of integrins (CD29, CD49e, CD41, CD51 and CD61) and adhesive proteins from the group of “homing” receptors (CD44) and IgG “superfamily” (LFA-1, LFA-3, ICAM-1, N-CAM) and their changes after a single oral dose of a mixture of proteolytic enzymes (Wobe Mugos, Wobenzym, MUCOS Pharma, FRG).

The authors observed a significant drop of CD29, CD54 (ICAM-1), CD58 (LFA-3) after Wobe Mugos, CD49, CD51, CD58 after Wobenzyme.

The insignificant decline of density of CD44 on cells, as well as of the soluble receptor of CD44 after oral administration of proteolytic enzymes in serum, incl. the mentioned changes of integrins and other adhesive proteins, indicate the importance of enzyme preparations in the supporting treatment of malignant processes.”

Evidence-based non-toxic MM therapies such as wobenzyme, curcumin enhance QOL

Remember that clinical trials rarely, if ever, include patients over the age of 70. This means that most if not all FDA research does not apply to the MM patient over the age of 70.

Older MMers don’t know how lucky they are. My reasoning is common sense:

  • Chemotherapy is toxic. Most everyone undergoing chemo or radiation feels awful having the effect of aging the patient-
  • A host of research has identified a number of anti-oxidant, anti-angiogenic supplements that kill myeloma (curcumin, wobenzyme, resveratrol, omega 3, green tea extract, and more)
  • These supplements, such as curcumin, have shown the ability to enhance the anti-mm action of revlimid (lenalidomid) as well as other conventional chemotherapy regimens while reducing its toxicity-

Lastly, the regimen recommended by your oncologist is not curative. Research on curcumin, omega-3, vitamin D3, and green tea extract, etc. allows for the possibility of living a better, longer life as an mmer. I have remained in complete remission from my own multiple myeloma by living an evidence-based, non-toxic, anti-MM lifestyle through nutrition, supplementation, antioxidantation, life style, bone health and mind-body therapies.

Treatment of Elderly Patients With Multiple Myeloma –

“Data thus far suggest that continuously administering lenalidomide and dexamethasone in older patients until the disease returns is superior to MPT as initial treatment…The 4-year OS rate was 47% in both lenalidomide arms versus 39% with MPT…

The Most BioAvailable Curcumin Formulas

“Based on a review of these studies, it is evident that better bioavailability of formulated curcumin (CU) products is mostly attributed to improved solubility, stability, and possibly low first-pass metabolism”

A search of the Pubmed database for the word curcumin yields 601 studies spaning health topics from multiple myeloma and colorectal cancer, to chemotherapies that synergizes with CU, to Alzheimer’s Disease, arthritis and more. Based on years of reading studies and personal accounts, I think it is safe to say that CU supplementation is safe and relatively inexpensive.

I have read about myeloma patients taking daily doses of CU from 400 milligrams to 8 grams (1000 milligrams = 1 gram). By almost any measure, CU is a safe, inexpensive wonder drug.

The only challenge is that CU is famously difficult to absorb in the body. In other words, a person has to mix curcumin with some sort of fat (coconut oil, chocolate, etc.) or take a brand of curcumin capsule that is already formulated to be more “bioavailable” in order to derive the full benefit of CU.

The study linked and exerpted below reviews different formulations of CU. The study itself lists the three most bioavailable formulation/brand of CU and I’ve added an excerpt from a further review from that lists four additional bioavailable brands of CU.

Recommended Reading:

Retrolective cohort study of an additive therapy with an oral enzyme preparation in patients with multiple myeloma.

“Significantly higher overall response rates and longer duration of remissions were observed in the OE-group. Primary responders showed a longer mean survival time than non-responders. Additive therapy with OE given for more than 6 months decreased the hazard of death for patients at all stages of disease by approximately 60%…”


CU is a bright yellow chemical produced by some plants. It is the principal curcuminoid of turmeric (Curcuma longa), a member of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It is sold as an herbal supplement, cosmetics ingredient, food flavoring, and food coloring.[1]


Leave a Comment:

Leia says 6 months ago

I have colorectal cancer, likely stage 2 or 3. How much wobenzyme should I take daily. I’ve seen some say 80 tabs per day.

    David Emerson says 6 months ago

    Hi Lela-

    That post about Wobenzyme was based on my cancer, multiple myeloma. While I think that enzymes are important for digestion, I know little about enzymes for colorectal cancer. I would follow the dose recommended on the label.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

John Zeigler says last year

Does anyone have experience using Wobenzym N and Vitality C for cancer treatment?

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi John-

    I have supplemented with wobenzyme for years. I wrote the blog post that you read. I take vitamin C but not the brand you mention. I have been in complete remission from my cancer, multiple myeloma, since early 1999.

    David Emerson

Multiple Myeloma- Tom Brokaw, Celebrities, Survivor Stories - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] Wobenzym N- Integrative Multiple Myeloma Therapy […]

Gabi says 3 years ago

Hello David,
What supplements would you recommend during a sct? I read you saying co enzyme Q 10, is that right.
And after?

I have been treating my MM naturally for 1.5 years. My kappa light chains stayed pretty stable if not down slightly, varying between 190-150. A Ct scan and mri revealed pretty big lesions inside most vertebra though that i decided to take more drastic steps.

I have been doing RVD for several rounds and my light chains have dropped down to 21.

I am booked in for sct in april and like to get prepared for it and after.

Very keen to get off the allopathic medications.

What would you recommend?

I really appreciate your advice.


    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Gabi-

    I don’t know your specifics of course but the challenge facing all MM patients is that conventional oncology recommends not taking supplements during therapy. That being the case, I would supplement before, stop for therapy and then continue after.

    CoQ10 is an important supplement to support heart health. Other supplements such as curcumin, resveratrol, omega-3 fatty acids, have been shown to enhance the sensitivity of MM cells to chemo.

    Regarding you desire to get off chemo, I would go for a remission after your ASCT and then stop all therapy undergoing only non-toxic therapies.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Green Tea Extract-Non-conventional Therapy for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer Metastasis says 4 years ago

[…] Wobenzym N- Integrative Multiple Myeloma Therapy […]

Steve says 4 years ago

Thank you for you site ! Any info would be much apperiated

Steve says 5 years ago

Glad I found your web site !!

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Steve-

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Living with multiple myeloma says 5 years ago

[…] Wobenzym N- Integrative Multiple Myeloma Therapy […]

ASCT Now or Later? Makes No Difference in Multiple Myeloma - PeopleBeatingCancer says 5 years ago

[…] Multiple Myeloma-“Partial Remission Post Induction Therapy- next steps? CR or VGPR Makes NO Difference in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Wobenzym N- Integrative Multiple Myeloma Therapy […]

Carola Navran says 6 years ago

How much Wobenzyme do you suggest to take with DCIS breast cancer?

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Carola,

    I take the dosing suggestion on the Wobenzyme (3 tablets first thing and then 3 more end of day- both without food). If you have been diagnosed with DCIS and you are supplementing in order to reduce your risk of another DCIS or BC, I would like to solicit your opinion. I will email you a list of nutritional supplements and lifestyle therapies shown to reduce the risk of BC/DCIS. I am curious to read what you think about the therapies. Please be honest.


    David Emerson

Cytogenetic Testing- Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma- Options - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] Wobenzym N- Integrative Multiple Myeloma Therapy […]

RVd Triplet "Impressive Response" in Multiple Myeloma - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] Wobenzym N- Integrative Multiple Myeloma Therapy […]

lisa lavine Nagy says 6 years ago

I know you from HB class of 78. I have a patient with myeloma and came across your info. Hope you are doing great – text me if can chat – thanx, Lisa Nagy MD
Environmental Medicine and ER physician. 310-213-5472

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Lisa-

    I will email your email address now.

    David Emerson

Bromelain - PeopleBeatingCancer says 7 years ago

[…] am a long term survivor of a blood cancer called multiple myeloma. I supplement with a broad spectrum enzyme called Wobenzym N. According to the studies linked and excerpted below bromelain induces apoptosis of both myeloma […]

Lisa Cirricione says 7 years ago

Hi David,
I am so thankful to have found your site (MM sites with hope are kind of hard to find!). I was just tested for MM after a biopsy on a 2 inch tumor (in soft tissue on top of my shin bone on my leg) was found to have monoclonal plasma cells. After a scary waiting period they determined that I just have a extramullary plasmacytoma. My bone marrow, blood, urine and PET scan came back all fine. I was told I need to do radiation on the spot for 4-6 weeks and will be having 4 month checks as now I am at a 20-30% risk of developing MM. I have been already trying to live as clean as possible (green drinks, green smoothies, all organic, no GMO, replaced everything that goes on my body with nontoxic stuff, water filters, etc.) and am now thinking I need to add even more to the regimen to keep this at bay such as Incorporating the Budwig diet, protelytic enzymes, juicing, detoxing (? Not sure which method, this was always hard for me), I have already been taking raw vit C, zinc, mag, ashwagna, EGCG, COQ10, fish oil. I put raw ginger and EV coconut oil in my kale smoothies etc. I apologize for rambling here but my question (after viewing your excellent free webinar) was after being told by your doctor there wasn’t any more they could do for you has your remission protocol been devoid of chemo, and drugs? I was thinking about purchasing your book about your protocol but wanted to see if there was some significant things that would be new information to me given all I am already trying to do. We don’t have health insurance (we belong to a medical share plan that has deemed my condition pre existing) so with everything we have done and still have to do coming straight out of pocket I need to try to make every dollar we spend apart from treatment, which we’ve been told is going to be thousands of dollars, count. Thanks for bearing with my lengthy comment. I wish you all the best! Side note: my entire family is from Solon, I am in CA now, but often visit. We all love Chagrin Falls. 🙂

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Lisa-

    It’s great to talk to a fellow Clevelander. At least I consider Solon and CF to be Cleveland. I am going to address several of your comments/questions from your email. My reply will be long too…

    1) “was found to have monoclonal plasma cells. After a scary waiting period they determined that I just have a extramullary plasmacytoma. My bone marrow, blood, urine and PET scan came back all fine.”

    You have a single bone plasmacytoma. This is pre-MM.

    2)“I was told I need to do radiation on the spot for 4-6 weeks..” Yes, local radiation to the SBP is your best bet to remain pre-MM. Please consider an evidence-based non-toxic therapy called resveritrol to enhance the radiation while minimizing possible damage to surrounding tissue.

    The effects of resveratrol and selected metabolites on the radiation and antioxidant response

    I can recommend the brand and dose that I take if you would like.

    3) ” as now I am at a 20-30% risk of developing MM.” This statistic is only if you do nothing to slow or prevent your SBP.

    4) “am now thinking I need to add even more to the regimen to keep this at bay such as Incorporating the Budwig diet, protelytic enzymes, juicing, detoxing (? Not sure which method, this was always hard for me),”

    The pre-MM cancer coaching program are those evidence-based, non-toxic therapies that research has shown can prevent pre-MM from becoming full blown MM. No guarantee of course but these therapies are inexpensive and supported by research.

    5) “after being told by your doctor there wasn’t any more they could do for you has your remission protocol been devoid of chemo, and drugs?

    No, I have not undergone chemo or radiation since I reached complete remission in early ’99. The pre-MM and MM cancer coaching programs are based on what I have been doing to remain in complete remission all these years. Nutrition, supplementation, bone health, lifestyle, etc.

    6) “I was thinking about purchasing your book…” The ebook “Beating Myeloma…” is mostly about stem cell transplants and MM. You are way far away from a stem cell transplant at this point.

    7) “so with everything we have done and still have to do coming straight out of pocket I need to try to make every dollar we spend apart from treatment..”

    The pre-MM cancer coaching program is designed to provide evidence-based, non-toxic therapies that can enable you to remain pre-MM and that are relatively inexpensive. It’s up to you of course but you will have the know-how to remain cancer-free if you choose.

    Let me know if you have any questions Lisa. Good luck.

    David Emerson

Lynn Holbrook says 7 years ago

Hi David,
I started taking Wobenzym for a sinus infection. It blew up congestion so badly I had to go the ER.
I subsequently discovered I had a parasitic infection. Taking Wormwood and black walnut timcture has brought me tobthe point of saying I can see this will end the problem.
I started taking Wobenzym to clean out my system and tissues.
My issue is my feet and ankles became huge hot and itchy(I broke my left foot in 2014 and had an abcess on the right leg in that same year).
My question is, would Wobenzym cause swelling in a healing way unto being anti-inflamatory?
Thank you,

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Lynn-

    Wow. Not sure how to answer your question. Or should I say that I know of no reason why systemic enzymes would cause the swelling you describe.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Sally says 8 years ago

Thank for all the helpful information. How long have you had MM?

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Sally-

    I was first diagnosed with MM in late January of 1994.

    Do you have MM? If so what stage? Any symptoms?

    David Emerson

Rumman says 8 years ago

Hello david My mother is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer mets to liver and little lung. We are not using any chemio just praying and diet….. any help what I do????

William Freeman says 8 years ago

Hi, about 4 weeks agao I was diagnosed with a T3 colorectal tumour. The very next day I changed my diet to alkaline, do 90c saunas every two days, alkaline baths almost everyday. I have incorporated ginger, curcumin and essiac tea as well as CBD oil. The plan is to do a short series of radiation (5×5 gray in 5 days) and then the following week surgery. I’ve had a few hyperbaric oxygen/ozone infusions which I plan to carry on with during radiation. My question: Would Wobenzym help me to get through radiation better? What type of dosage should I take and when? I have just over a week until radiation begins.
Thank you for any help you can give me.

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    HI William-

    I am sorry to read of your colorectal cancer diagnosis. Your therapies, both conventional and non-conventional, based on my personal experience and research, should increase your chances of complete remission while minimizing collateral damage.

    RE your questions “My question: Would Wobenzym help me to get through radiation better? What type of dosage should I take and when?” my reply is based both on what I do as well as the info excerpted band linked below.

    Me first. I have supplemented with systemic enzymes for years. Wobenzyme N for the majority of that time. While the studies are vague on the issue of healing and radiation, the excerpt below does point to supplementing with Wobeynzyme N before, during and after radiation therapy. Combined with HBO therapy you should greatly reduce your risks of collateral damage.

    Please add “prehabilitation” to your pre-surgery regimen in an effort to maximize this therapy.

    “Proteolytic enzymes have anti-inflammatory properties and are effective in reducing normal tissue reactions such as oral (Kaul R et al. 1999) and gastrointestinal mucositis (Dale PS et al. 2001). They function by reducing cytokine levels (Lehmann PV 1996). In one clinical study, 53 patients were given three tablets, three times a day, containing papain (100 mg), trypsin (40 mg), and chymotrypsin (40 mg). The treatment was started three days before radiation therapy and continued until five days after completion of treatment (Gujral MS et al. 2001). Both mucositis and skin reactions were significantly reduced in the enzyme-treated group compared to controls…”

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

      William Freeman says 8 years ago

      David, thank you very much.
      I’ve managed to get hold of Wobenzym N, as it’s hard to get here in Germany, as the contents have been changed (new law – no more than 3 active ingredients in a supplement) and basically all that is left is the Bromolain. Nonetheless it can be purchased in Holland, which is next door and it came today.
      I’ll start the Wobenzym right away.
      Thanks for your help.
      I’ll let you know how I get on.
      William Freeman

    Andy Bee says 8 years ago

    Hi William hope you are doing well and are making good progress. I am wondering how does one get CBD oil. I am having a tough time finding it. CBD oil isn’t the type of oil you can by off of amazon is it? I just ordered some Wobenzym N myself cause it sounded like a must have for cancer treatment. Hope that you or someone can tell me where I might be able to get some CBD oil. My mom was given a terminal diagnosis and according to the doctors she has about 3 months left to live but I refuse to believe it cause I know there is always hope with natural therapies. I am also making Essiac tea for my mom asap. I pray that you are doing well or at least ok. Thank you. <3

      David Emerson says 8 years ago


      My understanding is that any cannabidiol that is purchased and mailed intrastate is made from hemp. As such, the % of cannabinoids is low to absent. I believe the only way to purchase CBD oil is to live in a state that has legalized medical marijuana.

      Good luck

      David Emerson
      Cancer Survivor
      Cancer Coach

Jack Sunseri says 8 years ago

Please suggest what i can do for my recent diagnoses for lung tumors 4 and one brain tumor, help please. Thinking about Wobenzym N and Shitake Mushroom and Vitamin C.
Thank you,

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Jack-

    If I read your email correctly you have been diagnosed with lung cancer that has metastasized (spread) to your brain? To confirm this please read the article linked below.

    If your lung cancer is as described below, stage 4, I encourage you to become a cancer coaching patient. In short, your health situation requires immediate action. I encourage you to consider the full spectrum of oncologic therapies- conventional, integrative and complementary.

    As a cancer coaching member our plan of action is as follows:

    1) Research, identify and discuss anti-angiogenic nutrition. These are foods that studies have show will cut off blood supply to your tumors.

    2) research, identify and discuss conventional therapies- your oncologist may already have recommended therapies for you such as chemotherapy, radiation and or surgery. If so, I will research studies that explain the pros and cons of each therapy. We should discuss so that you can decide what therapies to undergo. I can research and identify possible short, long-term and late stage side effects from these therapies.

    3) research, identify and discuss non-conventional, non-toxic anti-angiogenic therapies. An example is “cannabinoids.” This form of medical marijuana is discussed in the link above that explains anti-angiogenesis. Another example would be to supplement with an antioxidant called curcumin.

    Curcumin Inhibits Lung Cancer Cell Invasion and Metastasis through the Tumor Suppressor HLJ1

    4) research, identify and discuss lifestyle therapies shown to promote your immune function, health and general well-being. Wobenzym N is both a nutritional and a lifestyle therapy. There will be several nutritional supplements that I can recommend. All recommendations are due to research showing that these therapies fight lung cancer.

    If you choose to undergo conventional therapies such as chemo, radiation and or surgery your immune system will be hit hard. The stronger you are physically the better you can fight your lung cancer.

    Jack, I am a long term survivor of an incurable cancer called multiple myeloma. I work with cancer patients like you who want to fight their cancer. I would be a member of your cancer team including your oncologist and caregivers.

    Let me know if you would like to work together. Thanks and hang in there.

    David Emerson
    Cancer Survivor, Cancer Coach

    Lung Cancer Spread to the Brain – Symptoms and Diagnosis

      Daniela Tanouchev says 8 years ago

      Hi David,
      My father was diagnosed with non-small squamous cell lung cancer in April. It was T4NxMo. They told us it was probably stage 3 due to the size of the primarily tumor (53mm by 63mm) which was in the right upper lobe. There was a metastatic liaison in the main right bronchus, less than 2 mm from the trachea which made it inoperable.The biopsy sample consisted of mainly dead cancer cells with individual active cancer cells. I thought that the fact that the majority of the cancer cells were dead ones was a good sign.
      Right away I started my dad on a predominantly vegan diet with no refined sugars with 7-10 cups of cold pressed juices, 3 wheat grass shots per day, colloidal silver,curcumin, coffee enemas. He took wobenzyme for a couple of weeks at the beginning but had a bad adverse reaction from his second chemo and ended up in the hospital in need for a plasma transfusion. He is starting back with the wobenzyme after a month off it. I am also sending him the immune suppot fungi complex by Fungi Perfecti and their reishi.He will start the Essaic tea in the next few days now.
      He started chemo in mid April and 1st round will be over at the end of July. At this point he will have a PET scan and the next steps will be evaluated.The doctors goal was to shrink the tumor and take the right lung out. I am very worried about this scenario and hope and pray that the chemo together with all the alternative things will have eliminated everything and the PET will not show active cancer cells.
      My dad’s chemo is cisplatin and gemcitabine.I was against the chemo but my dad did not want to go the 100% alternative route.
      I will appreciate your feedback, thoughts and suggestions as I have been the one reading about all of the alternative treatments and supplements and administering them to my dad. I hope I am on the right track.

      Thank you,

        David Emerson says 8 years ago

        Hi Daniela-

        I am sorry to read of your dad’s NSCLC. Judging by your comments your dad’s cancer, one of the most aggressive cancers, is advanced. By combining aggressive chemotherapy (cisplatin and gemcitabine) with aggressive alternative therapies (juicing, diet, supplementation, coffee enemas, etc.) you have done everything that I know of to give your father a fighting chance to manage his cancer.

        I happen to believe that the integrative approach that you are taking is the best possible therapy for the majority of cancers. While I have read about other alternative therapies out there, the ones you followed are what I believe to be your best hope.

        Let me know if you have any questions.

        Hang in there,

        David Emerson

          Daniela Tanouchev says 8 years ago

          Thank you, David!

          Rumman says 8 years ago

          Hello david My mother is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer mets to liver and little lung. We are not using any chemio just praying and diet….. any help what I do????

          David Emerson says 8 years ago

          Hi Rumman-

          I am sorry to read of your mother’s metastatic pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Judging by the two blog posts you have read about anti-angiogenic, non-conventional therapies and systemic enzymes (wobenzyme N), yes, there are therapies that studies show fight pancreatic cancer. I am both a cancer survivor (of a supposedly incurable cancer) and a cancer coach. I provide regimens or plans to cancer patients designed to provide evidence-based, non-toxic therapies. I cannot promise a cure. I am simply providing those therapies that I follow myself. Let me know how you would like to proceed.

          David Emerson

Dan says 9 years ago

Hello JessicaB,

Thanks for sharing your success with Wobenzym N….

Was your dosage while initially fighting your MM higher than your current maintenance dosage?


    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Dan-

    My name is David Emerson. I am the cancer survivor who blogged about Wobenzyme N. Jessica B is the assistant director who helps me manage the website.

    Yes, my daily dose as an active patient, a patient with active multiple myeloma, was higher than what I take now as a maintenance dose. As an active mmer, I took what the label tells you to take- 2 tablets, 3 times a day I think. Or maybe it is 3 tablets, twice a day. Now I only take one tablet in the am and one in the pm.
    I am 55 years old. As I understand it, the aging body produces less systemic enzymes than young bodies. There are Pubmed studies, I think, that research Wobenzyme as an actual mm therapy.

    Let me know if you have any questions.



      Randi says 9 years ago

      When you are taking these systemic enzymes, do you need to take digestive enzymes as well. I do not have cancer. 58yo and understand that we all need additional enzyme help as we age.

        David Emerson says 9 years ago

        Hi Randi-

        Yes, I have read articles that maintain that our bodies produce fewer systemic enzymes as we age. I am 55. While I also take digestive enzymes, I do so for different reasons from the reasoning for my taking Wobenzym N. I know of no reason for taking both at the same time. Further, I have been taking wobenzyme for so long that I lowered my daily dose a year or so ago. No particular reason other than the fact that I take many capsules of all sorts of things daily. So I focus on a maintenance dose rather than a loading dose.

        I hope this helps. Thanks

        David Emerson

          Jack says 9 years ago

          Does Wobenzym N cures tumors on my lungs, i have four tumors on my lungs, help.
          Thank you,

          David Emerson says 9 years ago

          Hi Jack-

          I am sorry to read of your lung cancer. To answer your question “Does Wobenzym N cures tumors on my lungs…” I would have to say that a complete cure of lung cancer due solely to Wobenzym N would be unlikely.

          Yes, studies show , wobenzym is anti-cancer. Further, there are other integrative therapies that can enhance chemotherapy while also killing lung cancer.

          If you are interested in learning more about combining conventional and non-conventional therapies to help you manage your cancer please let me know.
          What is your stage?
          What are your symptoms?
          What therapies have you already tried if any?

          Let me know if you want to learn more.

          thanks and hang in there,

          David Emerson

      Dan says 9 years ago

      Hello David,

      A belated ‘thank you’ for your response to my question in April regarding Wobenzyme N. I’ve been researching numerous nutraceuticals, etc. to help fight my MM, diagnosed a year ago at age 50. I’d taken it for a few months until July, when I underwent an ASCT and was advised to not take any supplements. I’m resuming it now, at 5 tablets thrice daily, per my ND.

      You have likely responded to this question copious times, although I wonder which supplements you have found most effective in your battle with MM?


      Bebe says 8 years ago

      Hi, what is the difference between wobenzym R and wobenzym N?

        David Emerson says 8 years ago

        Hi Bebe-

        My understanding is that the “r” is not a separate product, it is an “r” with a circle meaning “registered.” It is confusing.


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