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Green tea as a drink or as a supplement for MM patients. Which is best, taking into consideration green tea, drinking minimum 3 cups a day (250mls a cup).
ReplyGreen tea as a drink or as a supplement for MM patients. Which is best, taking into consideration green tea, drinking minimum 3 cups a day (250mls a cup) also beneficial in keeping dementia and Alzheimer’s at bay…because of the attributes of
polyphenols. Look forward to your reply. Richard
Green tea as a drink or as a supplement for MM patients. Which is best, taking into consideration green tea, drinking minimum 3 cups a day (250mls a cup) also beneficial in keeping dementia and Alzheimer’s at bay…because of the attributes of
Hi Richard-
By “best” I take you to mean which form gets the greatest amount of the good stuff into your body? That would be the capsule form that i take. The challenge with drinking green tea is that you have to consume upwards of 10 cups to match the amount of EGCG in once capsule.
I myself drink green tea frequently. But I also supplement with it.
Be well,
David Emerson
Reply[…] Green Tea, Curcumin as Integrative Multiple Myeloma Therapy […]
Reply[…] Click Now to Learn More About the remarkable health benefits of Green Tea, EGCG […]
Reply[…] Click Now to Learn More About the remarkable health benefits of Green Tea, EGCG […]
Reply[…] nerve damage? Have you undergone a chemo regimen called Velcade (bortezomib) or Revlimid yet? Click Now to Learn More About the remarkable health benefits of Green Tea, EGCG Let me know, thanks- David […]
Reply[…] Click Now to Learn More About the remarkable health benefits of Green Tea, EGCG […]
Reply[…] Click Now to Learn More About the remarkable health benefits of Green Tea, EGCG […]
Reply[…] a cancer survivor and cancer coach. I take and recommend Life Extension Mega Green Tea Extract. Click Now to Learn More About the remarkable health benefits of Green Tea, EGCG Are you concerned about Alzheimer’s disease? Please scroll down the page, post a question […]
Reply[…] Click Now to Learn More About the remarkable health benefits of Green Tea, EGCG […]
Reply[…] Click Now to Learn More About the remarkable health benefits of Green Tea, EGCG […]
Reply[…] Click Now to Learn More About the remarkable health benefits of Green Tea, EGCG […]
ReplyI have been dx with leukoplakia. I would appreciate an email back explaining if the curcumin green tea extract supplements would be helpful. I go for monitoring and it is difficult to sit back and not be pro-active. I would really appreciate some help and advice. Thank you.
ReplyHi Cheryl-
While I am sorry to learn of your leukoplakia diagnosis, it is important to point out the leukoplakia is not cancer but increases your risk of cancer. There may be other therapies to get rid of leukoplakia. Talk to your doctor.
I am like you in that I cannot sit back and do nothing if I have a risk of cancer. According to the research linked in the blog post, both curcumin and green tea reduce the risk of leukoplakia becoming oral cancer. Though my cancer is quite different from oral cancer, I have supplemented with both curcumin and green tea extract for years.
I take Life Extension Foundation brand of both their curcumin as well as their green tea extract. I buy it though Amazon. I will put in a motion for a clean lifestyle with exercise, and whole food based nutrition.
I have to put in another benefit of curcumin and green tea extract to reduce your risk of other chronic diseases.
Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck.
David Emerson
Reply[…] Green Tea, Curcumin as Integrative Multiple Myeloma Therapy […]
ReplyDear Mr David Emerson,
First Diagnosed 2016. Had many therapies including chemo, radiation, stem-cell transplant, and maintenance Revlimid. I am doing alright. Question – please look at Dr. Tomer Mark comments… he states that Green Tea and all antioxidants may counter Revlimid. See the full transcript here:
I truly value your long-time survivor status, and I would appreciate your comments concerning Dr. Marks’ warning about green tea and antioxidants while in Revlimid maintenance. Many, many patients are now in Revlimid maintenance. In the past, I have been a proponent of Green Tea, Curcumin, and antioxidants. Thank you.
ReplyHi Dennis-
Thanks for reaching out. Regarding Dr. Marks’ comments about EGCG, chemo, etc. It is the view of conventional or standard-of-care oncology to not consider those studies/research that is not a clinical trial to not be relevant. My experience tells me otherwise.
The MM patient and survivor has to decide for themselves. I supplement daily with antiangiogenic antioxidants that I believe fight MM and help me remain in CR.
Good luck,
David Emerson
ReplyThis website has been really helpful so thanks so much if you would like to contact me that’s fine.
ReplyHi David I see that I wrote to you five years ago when I hadn’t had any chemo. Now I’m on the fifth level of treatment and not having a good time. It’s called Pomalidimide (pomalyst) in tablet form and I also take blood thinners, anti virals and steroids. I was on the third level of treatment at the end of last year which resulted in me being on life support on Christmas Day. Anyway I’m still here and thinking about taking curcumin and green tea. Do you know if they would help with my current regime which seems to be causing me a lot of pain? I also wonder about the different makes of the curcumin and green tea as I’m in Scotland. I’ve been following you since my diagnosis of MM in 2009 and glad you’re doing well.
ReplyHi Jan-
I am trying to reply to this question via your email address but my reply bounces back.
David Emerson
ReplyMy mom was diagnosed with MM 2 years ago. She underwent a bone marrow transplant, many different types of chemo, failed out of a CAR-T trial, and the latest was a brand new treatment called BLENREP. She responded horribly to the BLENREP and the doctor suggested she stop treatment and gave her a few months. She is very weak and very sick. Is it too late to use the green tea and cucurmin for her? Any other suggestions?
ReplyHi Lexie-
I will reply to your post directly via your email.
Reply[…] test predicts outcome in head/neck cancer Green Tea, Curcumin as Integrative, Synergistic Cancer Therapy HPV-positive Oropharyngeal Cancer- […]
I was diagnosed with dysplasia of the tongue a few weeks ago. It was surgically removed, but I know from research relapse and cancer progression are common with these types of lesions. I am hoping to lessen my chances with green tea extract and curcumin. I wondered about your opinion on taking them orally (swallowing) or opening up the liquid capsules and adding them to coconut oil as more of a mouthwash. Thoughts? I can’t find studies where both were used for oral cancer, but I can’t tell how they were applied and I wondered if you had run across this. Thanks!
ReplyHi Amy-
The degree of dysplasia (severe, mild, etc.) will make a difference as to your risk of developing frank cancer but 1) dysplasia is pre-cancer, not cancer (which is good) but you are smart to take relatively cheap/easy steps to reduce your risk of cancer.
To answer your question, yes, oral (capsule) green tea extract and curcumin have been shown to reduce the risk of head and neck cancer. Oral cancer is not as well studied as head and neck. You are correct, curcumin is notoriously difficult for the body to absorb. There are several curcumin formulas that are much more “bioavailable” aka absorbed into the blood.
I will link a blog post below that gives the names, links to amazon, etc. Scroll down the page…As for the dose for each, I will tell you what I do. Many/most of the studies simply say “a time and dose dependant manner.” Meaning the more and longer, the more effective.
I take one capsule of curcumin (400 mg) and one capsule of green tea extract (750 mg) daily. Not a lot. If you are like me, you are in this for the long haul (the rest of our lives…). My supplements have become a daily routine for me.
The Most BioAvailable Curcumin Formulas
The bioavailable/absorbable issue with curcumin used to be a major problem with this nutritional supplement. Now that there are a number of enhanced curcumin formulas, there is much less of an issue. Lastly, I am lazy when it comes to nutritional supplementation. I supplement with many different types for different reasons so I don’t want to worry about bioavailability- yes, before, after food. But not beyond that.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
David Emerson
ReplyHi Amy- I was doing a bit more research on your situation and found this article to be helpful.
The bottom line is to biopsy your displasia (which you may have already done) and keep an eye on it- get check ups to check the status of your dysplasia. Good luck.
David Emerson
Replymy friend have tongue cancer and he undergo opertaion but a few months still something grew again in his tongue so maybe cal you help us if something good and effective for tongue cancer ? i give him greean tea with turmeric everyday … this effective ?
ReplyHi Juanito-
I am sorry to learn that your friend’s tongue cancer (head and neck cancer) has relapsed. You are correct, green tea (EGCG) and curcumin are anti-angiogenic, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory and should help.
There are a number of evidence-based, non-toxic therapies like curcumin, that has been cited as being cytotoxic (kills) tongue cancer. Further, there also have been studied that cite integrative therapies- therapies that enhance conventional chemotherapy.
The point is that if this cancer relapsed so quickly (a few months post surgery is quickly) then your friend should learn about and consider more aggressive therapy than just surgery.
In order for me to be more specific regarding your friend’s tongue cancer I need more information. For example:
1) what was the specific diagnosis? Tongue cancer but at what stage?
2) did your friend undergo any other types of therapy? Such as local radiation or chemo?
3) is your friend experincing any symptoms from the cancer?
Let me know. Hang in there,
David Emerson
Reply[…] Green Tea, Curcumin as Integrative, Synergistic Cancer Therapy […]
Reply[…] Green Tea, Curcumin as Integrative, Synergistic Cancer Therapy […]
Reply[…] Reading: Green Tea, Curcumin as Integrative, Synergistic Cancer Therapy Understanding Blood Clots/VTE and Multiple Myeloma Deep Vein Thrombosis, Venous Thromboembolism aka […]
ReplyPlease add me to your mailing list, or web site to follow up on any additional research.
ReplyI was wondering if you have read this study regarding green tea (EGCG) and curcumin: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2646173/
I don’t understand all the technical information so maybe you can help me out, but from what I understand it sounds like certain benefits of green tea and curcumin will cancel each other out if they are taken simultaneously. Do you take yours together? Thanks.
ReplyHi Eric-
Yes, I take curcumin and green tea extract together. I don’t understand all the medical jargon in the study either but to answer your question
“from what I understand it sounds like certain benefits of green tea and curcumin will cancel each other out if they are taken simultaneously. Do you take yours together?”
I don’t take the study you refer to to mean that curcumin and EGCG to “cancel each other out.” I take the study to mean that curcumin and EGCG to “exhibit opposing effects.” I don’t think these are the same things.
“Thus, these two natural agents have many pathways in common, but can diverge from each other as well, and can potentially exhibit opposing effects.”
Do you supplement with either, or, both? Thanks
David Emerson
ReplyI just started taking curcumin again (a brand containing Sabinsa C3 complex w/ bioperine) because it seems to help with arthritis symptoms that I get in the colder months, but I am also interested in reaping the other health benefits as well. I do not take green tea extract but I drink a fair amount of it. I was hoping to find some clarification about the study that I mentioned and I stumbled across your article.
“The sequential administration of EGCG followed by curcumin was the most effective treatment combination; whereas simultaneous administration resulted in antagonistic effects.”
It doesn’t state how long they waited to administer the curcumin (could be a very short or very long period, I suppose), but for now I am going to try drinking my green tea in the morning and taking my curcumin supplement with lunch.
ReplyAnother interesting study worth some attention:
Opposing action of curcumin and green tea polyphenol in human keratinocytes.
“turmeric, antagonizes the EGCG-dependent response by interfering in this signaling pathway.” Words like antagonize don’t help me understand how these two antioxidants work together… or not.
ReplyHello David, I was diagnosed with myeloma in 2009. I go every two months for blood tests and until last year was a- symptomatic or smouldering. Now my haemoglobin is going down so I’m anaemic and the medics are talking about chemotherapy which I’ve done so much to avoid over the years including diet and supplements. I’ve been taking Beta Glucan for over a year as per the Bill Henderson book and have not had as much as a cold sconce March 2014. My supplements have also included curcumin and green tea so I was very interested in your latest email I wonder if you always take them together and at a particular time if day. Best wishes to you. Jan Archibald from Glasgow, Scotland .
ReplyHi Jan-
Are you saying that you were diagnosed with MM but have not had any chemo or other conventional therapies since then? If this is the case then you should pat yourself on the back for 5-6 years of holding MM to a minimum. Well done. Yes, I consider nutritional supplementation such as green tea extract, curcumin, resveritrol, omega 3 fatty acids, all to be primary therapies for me as I am a long term MMer.
Yes, I take curcumin (400mg LEF SuperBioCurcumin) and green tea extract (750mg LEF Mega Green Tea) after my breakfast.
You mentioned that your doctor is talking about chemo. Please read up on the “integrative” chemotherapies such as Velcade (curcumin, CBD, resveritrol) or Revlimid (also curcumin, revlimid)
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Take it easy and hang in there-
ReplyHi David,
I just read your posting regarding the green tea and curcumin, and am
wondering if you take both in capsule form. If you drink the green tea
how do you determine the amount? Can you identify any brands?
Thank for any information you can provide.
Hi Sonya-
Yes, you can take both green tea extract and curcumin in capsule form I do daily, with food… I will link the products that I take below. As for dosages, I take a maintenance dose as I have been taking each for years now. And I intend to for a long time.
Studies looking at curcumin for cancer test varying amounts up to 8 GRAMS. That is a lot and everyone recommends increasing up to that amount. I guess too much can cause gas.
I take 500 miligrams of curcumin daily. I will link below-
ReplyDear Mr David Emerson,
I had Meningioma Benign Brain Tumor (WHO Grade I)/Accoustic Neuroma ,which had been operated 3 years ago.
After the operation, I am 80% Vegan (eat meat only salmon/tuna fish),no dairy,no sugar,many vegetables,fruits,black rice.
Several months ago I ate cheese ,cake,bread,ice cream,chocolate.(several times per week).
Starting November 2014 I felt fatigue,seizure,imbalance when walking.
Starting January 2015 I consumed Boswellia AKBA 5Loxin and Liquid Propolis(no alcohol) Bio30.
Do you have any suggestion for my protocols?
Thank you for your attention.
Best REgards,
Hi Tony-
If I read your post correctly, you are worried about your benign brain tumor, the tumor that was removed several years ago, causing your “fatigue,seizure,imbalance when walking?” Are you saying that you believe that the benign tumor has returned and you worry that the growth is causing your symptoms? Before you to anything, please consider seeing the dr. who handled your tumor several years ago to see what he/she thinks.
Keep in mind that according to my research
1) “It is rare for benign meningiomas to become malignant.”
2) For your grade tumor of I, if your tumor was completely removed you have only a small chance (9%) of it returning in 10 years.
To address your question about suggestions for the protocol you mention, I can’t find any info regarding the therapies you mention (Bos, AKBA, 5 Lox, Propolis, Bio 30) and cancer. There are various postings about these therapies and inflammation but not about cancer.
Please consider Curcumin-
Surgical resection
Meningiomas usually can be surgically resected (partially removed) and result in a permanent cure if the tumor is superficial on the dural surface and easily accessible. It is rare for benign meningiomas to become malignant.
The probability of a tumor recurring or growing after surgery may be estimated by comparing the tumor’s WHO (World Health Organization) grade and by the extent of surgery by the Simpson Criteria.[27]
Simpson Grade Completeness of Resection 10-year Recurrence
Grade I complete removal including resection of underlying bone and associated duration 9%
Let me know if you have any questions.
David Emerson